Standard Markdown syntax is *only* supported if WYSIWIG editor is disabled. The Markdown syntax is not supported, but you can add bold styling with single asterisks, which is the standard Markdown syntax for italic. The Markdown syntax is not supported, but you can press the Shift and Return keys to go to the next line.

The Slack message interface provides support for the following the Markdown elements. Tip: If you have multiple workplaces open in Slack, you'll need to enable this setting for each workplace. Enabling this setting will hide the WYSIWYG formatting buttons and disable the live editor so you can see the Markdown formatting as you type it. Select the Format messages with markup setting, as shown below. You can disable the WYSIWYG interface in Preferences > Advanced. You don’t have to use the interface controls to format your text - you can still use the Markdown syntax elements described in the next section. The most obvious change is the addition of formatting buttons in the interface controls, but there’s also a live editor that hides the Markdown formatting after you type it. This feature is enabled for all users by default. In November 2019, Slack introduced a new WYSIWYG interface, as shown below.

Support for some basic syntax is provided, although support for many elements is notably absent. Slack’s message interface is the one people use most. Different parts of the interface provide different levels of Markdown support. Slack is a popular team messaging and collaboration application that supports a subset of the Markdown syntax.